Weekly Quiz: What $186.5m project is being built to service Saudi Arabia’s The Line?

Aerial view of the Line in Saudi Arabia's Neom under construction The Line in Saudi Arabia’s Neom under construction (Image courtesy of Neom)

It’s the Construction Briefing weekly news quiz - how much attention have you been paying to events in the world of construction over the past seven days?

1) Granite has won a deal to implement seismic improvements to the Oakland International Airport Perimeter Dike with a cement deep soil mixing construction solution. What does the work aim to prevent?

  • Water intrusion from the adjacent San Francisco Bay
  • Cracking of the runway surface
  • A shift in gradient of the runway

2) What has Saudi Arabian construction company Asas Al-Mohileb signed a deal to build, to service the construction of Neom’s The Line linear city?

  • A 10,000 sq m canteen to feed construction workers
  • A complex of concrete batching plants capable of producing 20,000 cubic metres of concrete a day
  • A desalination plant to provide water to the residents who will eventually live there

3) The UK government has delayed a decision on whether to build which controversial project?

  • The Lower Thames Crossing – a 2.6-mile tunnel under the River Thames east of London
  • A £335bn bridge over the Irish Sea, originally proposed by former Prime Minister Boris Johnson
  • The revival of London’s former principal airport in Croydon as a major new gateway to the capital

4) What new piece of technology has Austrian contractor Strabag successfully trialled, according to an announcement last week?

  • A 3D-printed motorway bridge
  • A fully autonomous asphalt paving system
  • A teleportation device to transport materials rapidly to construction sites

5) Egypt-based Orascom Construction has signed a framework deal to be a primary contractor for the first phase of construction of what under Egypt’s biggest foreign investment deal?

  • A new city on the country’s Mediterranean coast called Ras el-Hekma
  • A nuclear power plant
  • A second Suez Canal to alleviate pressure on the first

Cristian Peters
Cristián Peters Editor Tel: +56 977987493 E-mail: cristiá[email protected]